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of Sale and Purchase at www.buydo.com

  1. Definitions
    1. Seller – a natural or legal person specified in an order whose goods are sold on the Website www.buydo.com in accordance with these Terms and who is responsible for fulfilling the Buyer's order. The details of the Seller with whom the contract for purchase of the relevant goods is concluded in accordance with these Terms shall be specified in a purchase order.
    2. buydo.com – a website www.buydo.com, where the Sellers' goods are sold and which is administered by a legal entity registered in the Republic of Latvia BAYDO Group SIA, registration number 40203466176, legal address: Vienības gatve 109, Riga, LV-1058.
    3. Buyer
      1. a natural person with legal capacity, i.e. a person who has reached the age of majority and whose legal capacity has not been restricted by a court decision;
      2. a minor between the ages of 14 and 18 with the consent of his or her parents or guardians, except where a minor has reached the age of majority early or is deemed to have reached the age of majority;
      3. legal person.
    4. Parties – the Buyer and the Seller together.
    5. Personal data means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (data subject); an identified or identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, primarily by reference to identifiers such as name, personal identification number, location data and Internet identifier, or to one or more factors specific to his/her physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity.
    6. Terms – these Terms and Conditions of Sale and Purchase at Buydo.com, which apply to each purchase made by the Buyer on buydo.com and to each contract of sale between the Buyer and the Seller.
    7. Account – the result of the Buyer's and Seller's registration on buydo.com on the grounds of the Terms of Use of www.buydo.com, which results in the creation of a personal account of the Buyer and/or Seller, where their personal data and order history are stored.
    8. Privacy Policy – a document approved by buydo.com which contains the basic rules for the collection, processing and storage of Personal Data through buydo.com.
      1. The Privacy Policy of buydo.com does not apply to the processing of Personal Data where such data is processed by the Seller. The processing of Personal Data by the Seller shall be in accordance with the procedures established by the Seller. The Buyer shall carefully read the Seller's Personal Data Processing Policy before purchasing the Goods and entering into the Contract with the Seller.
    9. Contract – a contract between the Buyer and the Seller for purchase of the relevant Goods, which shall be deemed to have been concluded from the moment of Order confirmation, i.e. the moment of placing the Order. The terms of any Contract between the Buyer and the Seller shall be deemed to be identical to the terms of these Terms and the parties shall at all times perform such Contract in accordance with these Terms.
    10. Order – an order for Products which includes all the Goods which the Buyer wishes to purchase from the Seller and which are specified in the same Order.
    11. Products – goods or services offered by the Seller to Buyers on buydo.com and sold by the Seller in accordance with the sale and purchase contracts concluded with the Buyer. The Seller assumes full responsibility for the compliance of Products with the laws and regulations.
  2. General Provisions
    1. The Buyer accepts the Terms when he/she has read them and ticks the box next to the sentence "I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions of Sale and Purchase at Buydo.com". The Terms and Conditions, when so approved, shall constitute a binding legal document between the Parties, setting out the rights and obligations of the Buyer and the Seller, the conditions of purchase and payment for the Goods, the procedure for delivery and return of the Goods, the liability of the Parties and other terms relating to the purchase and sale of Goods on buydo.com.
    2. The Buyer accepts the Terms when creating an account on buydo.com during the first registration. After the Buyer has accepted the Terms during the first registration (account creation), the Terms will apply to all purchases made on buydo.com and to all purchase contracts concluded with Sellers before the publication of updated Terms. When the Terms are updated, they shall apply in accordance with the procedure described in this paragraph, starting from their publication on www.buydo.com.
    3. Only those Buyers specified in Paragraph 1.3 of the Terms are entitled to purchase goods on buydo.com. By accepting the Terms and reading the Privacy Policy (Paragraph 2.4 of the Terms) and the Terms of Use of buydo.com, the Buyer confirms that he/she is entitled to purchase goods on buydo.com.
    4. If necessary or if circumstances exist as provided by the laws of the Republic of Latvia, buydo.com has the right to amend, correct or supplement the Terms. Buyers shall be informed of this when logging in to their account or when buying goods from the selected Seller on buydo.com after the new version of the Terms has come into force. The Buyer is obliged to read the Privacy Policy approved and published by buydo.com. The Buyer's Personal Data shall also be transferred to the Seller from whom the Buyer purchases the Goods and the Personal Data shall be processed in accordance with the procedures set out by the Seller in the order and in accordance with the contractual security obligations of buydo.com and the Seller regarding the security of Personal Data.
    5. If the Seller has the right or obligation to send information or documents to the Buyer by e-mail, the Buyer shall in all cases be responsible for providing the Seller with a valid e-mail address.
  3. Ordering the Goods, Time when a Legal Relationship is Established under a Purchase Contract
    1. The Buyer may order goods on buydo.com in one of the following ways:
      1. by registering online at buydo.com (by entering his/her registration name and password);
      2. without registering online at buydo.com;
      3. by phone;
      4. by application (by downloading it through the App Store or Google Play Market)
    2. When ordering goods in one of the ways specified in Paragraphs 3.1.1 to 3.1.2 of the Terms, the Buyer shall provide his/her Personal Data in the relevant fields of the buydo.com system, which are necessary for the correct execution of the order and which shall be processed by buydo.com in accordance with the procedure set out in the Privacy Policy.
    3. Orders placed by telephone shall be processed in accordance with the Terms and shall be subject to the terms of the Privacy Policy. By placing an order, the Buyer agrees to the Terms and their application.
    4. Once the Buyer has selected the goods or services, filled in the shopping cart and completed all the order actions, the last of which is the selection and confirmation of the payment method, the Seller and the Buyer shall be deemed to have established a legal relationship and to have entered into a contract of sale. The Buyer shall be informed of the confirmation of the order by a notification sent to the e-mail address provided by the Buyer. The Seller sends the Buyer a link to the applicable Terms and Conditions and the order confirmation to the e-mail address provided by the Buyer.
    5. By accepting the Terms, the Buyer agrees that all relevant information about the Goods and their characteristics is given in the description of the Goods on buydo.com.
    6. Each Buyer's Order is stored in buydo.com and the Seller's database in accordance with his/her Privacy Policy.
  4. Buyer's Rights
    1. The Buyer has the right to purchase goods and order services on buydo.com in accordance with these Terms.
    2. The Buyer shall have the right to cancel an order in accordance with the procedures set out in these Terms.
    3. The Buyer shall have the right to withdraw from the Contract in accordance with these Terms.
    4. The Buyer shall have the right to change or return the purchased goods in accordance with the procedures set out in these Terms.
    5. The Buyer shall have other rights as set out in these Terms, the Privacy Policy, Terms of Use of buydo.com and the laws of the Republic of Latvia.
  5. Buyer's Obligations
    1. The Buyer shall comply with his/her obligations when using buydo.com, these Terms, the Privacy Policy, Terms of Use of buydo.com, other terms and conditions expressly stated on buydo.com, and the Buyer shall not violate the laws of the Republic of Latvia.
    2. The Buyer shall pay for and accept the goods or services ordered in accordance with these Terms.
  6. Seller's Rights
    1. The Seller and buydo.com shall have the right to cancel the Buyer's order without prior notice if the Buyer chooses the payment method referred to in Paragraph 8.2.1 or 8.2.2 and fails to pay for the Goods within 3 (three) business days.
    2. If the Buyer chooses the method of payment referred to in Paragraph 8.2.3 of the Terms and if the Seller has any doubts regarding the order details, the Seller shall be entitled to contact the Buyer via buydo.com using the details provided in the order. In this case, the delivery period shall commence from the date on which the Seller has contacted the Buyer.
      1. The Seller has the right to cancel the order without prior notice to the Buyer,
        1. if the Seller fails to contact the Buyer within 2 (two) business days after the order has been placed;
        2. if the Buyer fails to provide the Seller with the requested information within the period specified by the Seller;
        3. if the Buyer does not give the Seller consent to the verification of his/her personal data.
    3. The Seller shall have other rights set out in these Terms, the Privacy Policy, other documents of buydo.com and the laws of the Republic of Latvia.
  7. Seller's Obligations
    1. The Seller undertakes to fulfil the Buyer's orders in accordance with these Terms and to communicate with the Buyer through buydo.com and never to communicate with the Buyer through other channels, except as expressly provided in these Terms or on buydo.com. The Buyer and the Seller hereby expressly acknowledge that any communication regarding the fulfilment of an order made outside the buydo.com website (system) shall be optional and non-binding on the parties.
    2. The Seller and buydo.com undertake to respect the Buyer's privacy and to process the Buyer's Personal Data only in accordance with the Terms, the Privacy Policy, Terms of Use of buydo.com and the laws of the Republic of Latvia and the European Union.
    3. Subject to the provisions of these Terms, the Seller undertakes to deliver the Goods ordered by the Buyer and to accept the Buyer's return of the Goods.
    4. If the Seller disagrees with the Buyer's requirements, the Seller shall provide the Buyer with a comprehensive and reasoned written response no later than 14 (fourteen) calendar days from the date of the Buyer's request, except in cases where the laws of the Republic of Latvia and the European Union provide otherwise.
    5. The Seller undertakes to comply with the other obligations imposed on it by the Terms and the laws of the Republic of Latvia.
  8. Prices, Terms and Method of Payment
    1. The prices of the Goods on buydo.com are quoted in euros, including VAT and other applicable taxes, if any, in force at the time.
    2. The Buyer may pay for the ordered goods in one of the following ways (the choice may be limited, so the final list of payment methods applicable to the relevant order is indicated next to the relevant order):
      1. via internet banking;
      2. by bank transfer;
      3. in cash or by bank card at the time of delivery/collection;
      4. through lending services offered by leasing companies.
    3. When the Seller receives payment for the Goods or receives confirmation of the financing of the purchase (if the Buyer has chosen the payment method referred to in Paragraph 8.2.4 of the Terms), the order for the Goods shall be confirmed.
    4. By accepting the Terms, the Buyer agrees that the documents of purchase of the Goods – VAT invoices, which are also the guarantee vouchers for the Goods, may be delivered to him/her physically together with the goods or electronically to the e-mail address specified in the Buyer's registration form, immediately after the order has been fulfilled. VAT invoices shall indicate the details of the Seller, the Goods selected, the quantity, the discounts granted, the final price of the Goods including all taxes and any other details required by the accounting legislation.
    5. After placing an order, the Buyer will be able to see and print the order page – the advance invoice – in his/her Account.
    6. After the Seller has confirmed the order, the price of the Goods may change only in exceptional cases, when the price of the Goods has changed due to a technical error of information systems, correction of obvious (negligent) errors or other objective reasons beyond the control of the Seller. If in such case the Buyer does not agree to purchase the Goods at the new price, the Buyer may cancel the order by informing the Seller within 2 (two) business days using the contact details provided on buydo.com. Upon cancellation of an order in accordance with the procedure set out in this paragraph, the Seller undertakes to refund to the Buyer all amounts paid by the Buyer for the cancelled order.
    7. If the Buyer selects goods from several different Sellers, the Buyer's cart of goods may be divided into separate carts of goods according to each Seller and separate orders may be placed according to these carts of goods. In the event of such division, the cost of additional services (e.g. delivery, carrying, etc.) for a particular order shall be allocated accordingly to the individual orders and may therefore differ from the service price indicated in the description of the particular goods.
  9. Delivery of Goods
    1. When ordering the Goods, the Buyer may choose one of the delivery methods specified in the description of the particular Goods sold by the Seller.
    2. If the Buyer chooses home delivery at the time of order:
      1. the Buyer undertakes to specify the exact place of delivery;
      2. the Buyer undertakes to accept the goods himself/herself. A valid identity document (ID card or passport) shall be presented at the time of receipt of the Goods. If the Buyer does not accept the Goods himself/herself, although the Goods have been delivered to the address indicated by the Buyer, the Seller shall have the right to hand over the Goods to another person at the address indicated and the Buyer shall have no right to make any claim against the Seller for delivery of the Goods to the wrong person;
      3. the Goods shall be delivered by the Seller or its authorised representative;
      4. payment for home delivery does not include the cost of taking the ordered goods above the ground floor, this service can be ordered additionally.
    3. If the Buyer chooses to collect the Goods at one of the Latvian post offices [Latvijas pasts] at the time of placing the order:
      1. the Buyer may collect the Goods from one of the Latvian post offices by paying the specified purchase and delivery charges. If the Buyer fails to pay the said fee, the Goods will be returned to buydo.com;
      2. the Goods ordered shall be collected no later than 3 (three) business days after the courier has informed the Buyer by e-mail or text message that the Goods can be collected;
      3. the Goods may be collected not only by the recipient specified in the order, but also by another person specified at the time the order is placed. A valid identity document (identity card or passport) shall be presented to an employee of Latvijas Pasts at the time of receipt.
      4. It is not possible to collect the Goods at Latvian post offices in the following cases:
        1. if the total weight of the Goods ordered exceeds 20 (twenty) kg;
        2. if the overall size of the Goods ordered from the Seller makes it impossible to provide this service.
    4. If the Buyer chooses to have the Goods delivered via Omniva, at DPD PickUp point, Cirkle K filling station or any of the Latvijas Pasts post offices at the time of placing the order:
      1. the Goods weighing up to 30 kg can be received via Omniva parcel machines;
      2. the Goods weighing up to 20 kg (each parcel) can be received at DPD PickUP points;
      3. the Goods weighing up to 10 kg (each parcel) can be received at Cirkle K filling stations;
      4. the Goods weighing up to 20 kg can be received at Latvijas Pasts post offices. The Goods heavier than this weight are not delivered by parcel machines and self-service terminals.
      5. The consignment shall be collected from Omniva within 7 (seven) calendar days after the Seller has informed the Buyer by e-mail that the Goods can be collected.
    5. The delivery conditions indicated in the product description are provisional. The Seller shall deliver the Goods to the Buyer in accordance with the terms specified in the descriptions of the Goods. The delivery terms shall not apply in the event that the Seller does not have the goods in stock and the Buyer is informed of the non-availability of the Goods ordered. By accepting these Terms, the Buyer agrees that in exceptional circumstances delivery of the Goods may be delayed due to unforeseen circumstances beyond the Seller's control. In such event, the Seller undertakes to contact the Buyer immediately and agree the delivery date and other circumstances. If the Seller fails to deliver the goods within the period specified in the order and the Parties do not agree on an additional period for delivery of the goods, the Buyer may exercise the right set out in Paragraph 11.1 of the Terms to withdraw from the contract for the purchase of goods or services.
    6. The Seller shall be discharged from liability for breach of the time limit for delivery of the goods if the goods are not delivered to the Buyer or are not delivered on time due to the fault of third parties who are not related and/or independent of the Seller or due to circumstances beyond the Buyer's control.
    7. At the time of delivery of the Goods by courier, the Buyer shall check the condition of the consignment and the Goods and sign the document of handover and acceptance of the consignment. After the Buyer has signed such document, the Goods shall be deemed to have been delivered in good condition and free from defects not attributable to defects in workmanship, as well as from any inconsistencies in the assembly of the Goods (such as can be determined by external inspection of the Goods). If the Buyer finds that the packaging of the delivered goods is damaged (crumpled, wet or otherwise externally damaged), the Goods are defective and/or the Goods are incomplete, the Buyer shall note this in the handover-acceptance document and, in the presence of the courier, draw up a free-form statement on the damage/non-conformity of the consignment and/or the Goods. If the Buyer fails to take these steps, the Seller shall be exempted from liability for damage to the Goods if such damage is not due to a defect in the factory, as well as from liability for non-conformities in the assembly of the Goods, only if such non-conformities can be detected during the external inspection of the Goods.
    8. The risk of accidental loss of or damage to the Goods shall pass to the Buyer from the time the Goods are handed over to the Buyer.
    9. If, in accordance with Paragraphs 9.2 to 9.6 of the Terms, the Buyer fails to collect the Goods within the time specified or fails to deliver them to the Buyer and the Buyer has paid for the Goods and their delivery, representatives shall contact the Buyer to arrange an alternative time and/or method of delivery of the Goods. If the Buyer still fails to collect the Goods or fails to deliver them to the Buyer, such Goods shall be returned to the Seller, the order shall be cancelled and the Buyer shall be refunded the money paid for the Goods less any bank transfer charges, delivery charges, if any, and the administration charge provided for in Paragraph 8.7 of these Terms, if any, that may have been applicable.
    10. If, in accordance with Paragraphs 9.2 to 9.5 of the Terms, the Buyer fails to collect the Goods within the time specified or fails to deliver them to the Buyer and the Buyer has not paid for the Goods, such Goods shall be returned to the Seller and the order shall be cancelled.
  10. Guarantee of Quality and Expiry Date
    1. The characteristics of each product sold on buydo.com are indicated in the description of each product.
    2. The Goods offered by the seller are of a suitable quality. The Goods are in conformity with the consumer contract of sale if:
      1. the Goods correspond to the description given by the Seller and have the same characteristics as the Goods offered by the Seller as an example or model when advertising this product on buydo.com;
      2. the Goods are fit for the purpose for which they are normally used;
      3. the Goods meet the quality characteristics that are generally characteristic of goods of the same type and that the Buyer can reasonably expect from the type of goods and the public statements, including advertising and labelling, made by the manufacturer, manufacturer’s representative or the Seller of the item about the specific characteristics of the item.
      4. Neither the Seller nor buydo.com shall be liable for the fact that the size, shape, colour or other characteristics of the Goods sold by the Seller on buydo.com may not correspond to the actual size, shape, colour or other characteristics of the Goods due to the characteristics of the display used by the Buyer or other technical reasons beyond the control of the Seller. Images of the Goods are for illustrative purposes only and are examples only. The colours, inscriptions, parameters, dimensions, functions and/or any other features of the original products may look different from reality due to their visual characteristics, so refer to the descriptions of the Goods. The Buyer is advised to read the description of the Goods.
    3. The Seller grants a quality guarantee valid for a specified period of time for different types of the Goods, the specific duration and other conditions of which are indicated in the descriptions of such Goods or together with the invoice for the Goods corresponding to the guarantee.
    4. The quality guarantee given by the Seller does not limit the rights of consumers under the law in the event of the purchase of a product or service that is not of satisfactory quality.
    5. The Seller does not provide the warranty service itself (except for a simple check of the functioning of the Goods, which does not require specialised knowledge):
      1. if the centre(s) providing warranty service is located outside the borders of the Republic of Latvia, the Seller shall arrange for the goods to be shipped to such centre(s);
      2. if the centre(s) providing the warranty service is/are located in the Republic of Latvia, the Buyer shall be directed to such centre(s).
    6. Information contained on data media is excluded from the guarantee. Expenses incurred due to data loss or restoration will not be reimbursed.
    7. Where specific expiry dates are set for particular Goods under law, the Seller undertakes to sell such Goods to the Buyer in such a way as to give the Buyer a realistic opportunity to use such Goods before the expiry date.
  11. Right of Withdrawal, Return and Exchange of Goods
    1. Right of withdrawal:
      1. The Buyer, who is a consumer, has the right to withdraw from the Purchase Contract within 14 (fourteen) days, without giving any reason, by exercising the right of withdrawal by notifying the Seller or buydo.com, which shall inform the Seller of the Buyer's decision to withdraw from the Purchase Contract. The Buyer may not exercise this right if the Buyer is not a consumer, as well as in the cases referred to in Paragraph 22 of the Cabinet Regulation No. 255 of 20 May 2014 "Regulations on Distance Contracts".
      2. The Buyer shall notify buydo.com of the withdrawal from the Purchase Contract in one of the following ways: by completing a sample withdrawal form (the withdrawal form can be downloaded here) or by submitting a clear statement announcing his/her decision to withdraw. The notice of withdrawal shall be sent to sales@buydo.com. Upon receipt of the Buyer's notice, buydo.com shall promptly send an acknowledgement of receipt and inform the Seller.
      3. The period of 14 (fourteen) days for the exercise of the right of withdrawal and cancellation shall be calculated as follows:
        1. when the contract of sale is concluded – from the date on which the Buyer or a person designated by the Buyer, other than the carrier, receives the Goods ordered;
        2. if the Buyer has ordered more than one item in one order and the items are delivered separately, from the date of receipt of the last item by the Buyer or the person indicated by the Buyer, other than the carrier;
        3. if the Goods are delivered in separate lots or instalments, from the date on which the Buyer or the person indicated by the Buyer, other than the carrier, receives the last lot or instalment;
        4. in the case of a contract for the regular delivery of the Goods over a specified period, from the date on which the Buyer or a person designated by the Buyer, other than the carrier, receives the first lot of the Goods.
      4. If the Buyer has withdrawn from the Purchase Contract before the Goods have been delivered, the Buyer shall inform buydo.com using the contact details provided on the website. The Buyer's withdrawal shall be treated as cancellation of the order and the Seller shall be informed thereof.
      5. If the Buyer withdraws from the Purchase Contract after the Goods have been delivered or received, the provisions of Paragraph 11.5 of the Terms shall apply.
    2. Rules for exchanging and returning goods of unsatisfactory quality
      1. Defects in the Goods sold shall be rectified, Goods of poor quality shall be exchanged and returned in accordance with the procedure set out in the Terms and the requirements of the laws and regulations of the Republic of Latvia.
      2. If the Buyer has purchased the Goods of poor quality and this is noted in the handover-acceptance document, or if the inadequate quality of the Goods is manifested by a manufacturing defect which was already present at the time of purchase, or by non-conformity with the manufacturer's specifications, the Buyer may return the Goods and may, at his/her option, require the Seller to take one of the following actions:
        1. the Seller to remedy the defects in the Goods within a reasonable time, if the defects can be remedied by ensuring that the Goods comply with the terms of the contract;
        2. exchange the Goods for the Goods that comply with the terms of the contract;
        3. the purchase price is reduced accordingly;
        4. to replace the Goods with similar Goods of equivalent quality, except where the defects are minor or caused by the fault of the Buyer;
        5. to refund and cancel the purchase contract if the sale of the Goods of substandard quality constitutes a material breach of the order.
      3. Exercise of the Buyer's rights:
        1. In the first place, the Buyer is entitled to require the Seller to remedy the non-conformity of the Goods with the terms of the contract or to replace the Goods without compensation with the Goods which would have conformed with the terms of the contract, except where this is impossible or disproportionate.
        2. The Buyer shall be entitled to require the Seller to reduce the price of the Goods accordingly or to cancel the contract and refund the amount paid for the Goods if the Seller has failed to remedy the non-conformity of the Goods with the terms of the contract or to exchange the Goods for Goods conforming to the terms of the contract within a reasonable time or if the said acts have been performed with substantial inconvenience to the Buyer. In reducing the price or cancelling the contract and refunding the amount paid by a consumer for the Goods, account may be taken of the wear and tear of the Goods or the benefit which the Buyer has derived from the use of the Goods and which has been agreed between the Parties.
        3. If the non-conformity of the Goods with the terms of the contract is minor and does not significantly affect the Buyer's ability to use the Goods, the Buyer cannot require the Seller to cancel the contract and refund the money paid for the Goods. Non-compliance of the Goods with the terms of the contract shall be deemed to be minor if it does not significantly impair the quality of performance of the essential functions or the usability of the Goods and can be remedied without causing any visually detectable change in the external appearance of the Goods.
      4. If the Buyer wishes to return the Goods, the Buyer shall:
        1. notify the Seller using the contact details on the invoice or buydo.com by e-mail sales@buydo.com, the goods to be returned shall be specified in the notification;
        2. provide proof of purchase, guarantee document (if issued);
        3. submit a free-form request to the Seller or buydo.com.
      5. The Buyer may exercise the right to return the Goods of substandard quality within the quality guarantee period set out in the purchase document, as specified by the Seller from whom the Buyer purchased the Goods.
      6. The Buyer shall pay the delivery and return shipping costs and the Seller shall reimburse the Buyer for the delivery and return shipping costs incurred by the Buyer when it is satisfied that the Goods have been returned for faulty workmanship, except as otherwise provided in the Terms. By accepting these Terms, the Buyer agrees that monies shall be refunded to the Buyer's bank account unless otherwise agreed between the Buyer and the Seller.
      7. The Purchase Contract shall not be cancelled and no refund shall be made in respect of the Goods which have been damaged, whether intentionally or negligently (exposure to chemicals, water, naked flames, high temperatures, sharp objects, etc.), or if the conditions of use or storage of the Goods have been infringed, or if the Goods have been used improperly or in a manner not intended for their purpose.
      8. Certain provisions for returning the Goods of unsatisfactory quality may be set out in the warranty documents supplied with the Goods. Such return policy of the Seller shall apply to the extent that it is not inconsistent with these Terms. In the event of any inconsistency between these Terms and the terms applied by the relevant Seller, these Terms shall prevail.
    3. Exchange and return of the Goods if the wrong Goods are delivered
      1. If the Buyer has been delivered the wrong goods, the Buyer shall notify buydo.com immediately, but no later than within 7 (seven) business days, by e-mail sales@buydo.com. Upon receipt of information about incorrectly delivered Goods, buydo.com shall inform the Seller, who undertakes to take back such goods at its own expense and replace them with the correct Goods. If the Seller does not have the Goods ordered, the Seller shall refund the money received for the Goods to the Buyer. The money shall be refunded to the Buyer within 14 (fourteen) calendar days of the Seller's receipt of the Buyer's notice of withdrawal, but if the Buyer has not returned the Goods to the Seller, the period referred to in this paragraph shall run from the date on which the Goods are returned to the Seller. By accepting these Terms, the Buyer agrees that monies will be refunded to the Buyer's bank account unless otherwise agreed between the Buyer and the Seller.
    4. The procedure for the return of the Goods and money is set out in Paragraph 11.5 of the Terms.
    5. Return of the Goods and money
      1. In connection with the return of the Goods purchased from Sellers, the Buyer shall have the right to contact directly the Seller from whom the Goods were purchased or buydo.com.
      2. The Buyer may exercise the right of return only if the time limit for returning the Goods is not missed. When returning the Goods in the cases set out in Paragraphs 11.1-11.3 of the Terms, additional requirements apply: the Goods are not damaged or substantially altered in appearance, they have not been used – all returned Goods must have authentic labels, protective bags and original packaging.
      3. All gifts supplied with the purchased Goods shall be returned at the same time, unless the purchased Goods are returned because of defects in their quality, but the gifts supplied with them have, by their nature, been used up between the date of purchase and the date of discovery of the defects or the validity of such gifts has expired.
      4. When returning the Goods, the Buyer shall specify the sender's address and pack the goods correctly to prevent damage during transport. The Seller from whom the Buyer has purchased the Goods has the right not to refund any money for the Goods returned with defects. The Seller shall not be liable for items sent by the Buyer incorrectly packed, incorrectly addressed or lost or damaged in transit.
      5. If the Buyer has purchased a set of the Goods on buydo.com, the Buyer shall return the entire set of the Goods to the Seller, i.e. the Buyer may only exercise its right of return in respect of all the Goods in the set. If at least one item in the set does not meet the requirements set out in Paragraph 11.5.2, the Seller shall be entitled to refuse to take back the whole set of the Goods.
      6. The Buyer, when exercising the right provided for in Paragraphs 11.1-11.5 of the Terms, shall comply with the requirements for the return of the Goods set out in the Terms and shall follow the procedures set out therein.
      7. The Buyer may return the Goods by courier to buydo.com or directly to the Seller or by post. The Goods shall be sent to the Seller at the address given by the Seller on the Buyer's invoice or via buydo.com that will return the Goods to the Seller. The procedure and conditions for the return of heavy goods (for quality assessment, exchange, repair or return) to the Seller shall be agreed between the Buyer and the Seller separately by telephone or e-mail sales@buydo.com or by the Buyer delivering them directly to the Seller.
      8. If the Buyer exercises the rights set out in Paragraphs 11.1, 11.3 - 11.5 of the Terms, the money shall be refunded within 14 (fourteen) calendar days after the Seller has received the Buyer's notification, but if the Buyer has not returned the Goods to the Seller, the period referred to in this Paragraph shall start to run from the date on which the Goods are returned to the Seller. If the Buyer makes use of the additional money-back guarantee, the Buyer will be subject to a 30 (thirty) calendar day money-back period starting from the date on which the Goods are returned to the Seller.
      9. By accepting these Terms, the Buyer agrees that the money shall be refunded to the Buyer's bank account unless otherwise agreed between the Buyer and the Seller.
      10. Upon exercise of the rights set out in Paragraphs 11.1 - 11.3 of the Terms, the Buyer shall be refunded: the price of the Goods, the administration fee, if any. Delivery costs are not refunded. Upon exercise of the rights set out in Paragraphs 11.4-11.5 of the Terms, the Buyer shall be refunded: the price of the Goods, the administration fee if applicable, the delivery fee, the return costs of the Goods shall not be refunded.
      11. If the Buyer has chosen a method other than the cheapest method of delivery offered by the Seller, the costs of the other method of delivery chosen by the Buyer in excess of the costs of that method of delivery shall not be reimbursed.
      12. The Seller shall have the right not to refund to the Buyer the amounts paid by the Buyer until the goods have been returned to buydo.com and the Seller has verified their compliance with Paragraph 11.5.2 of the Terms.
  12. Responsibility
    1. The Buyer is liable for any illegal activities carried out through buydo.com.
    2. Upon registration, the Buyer is responsible for the storage and/or transfer of their login data to third parties. If a third party uses the services provided by buydo.com by logging into buydo.com with the Buyer's login data, the Seller shall treat that third party as the Buyer.
    3. The Seller shall be exempt from any liability in cases where the damage is caused by the Buyer's failure to read these Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy, the Terms of Use of buydo.com, despite having been given the opportunity to do so, without taking into account the Seller's advice and its obligations.
    4. Where buydo.com links to other third-party sites, buydo.com does not warrant that the information which may be displayed by following these links is correct, complete or accurate. The content, correctness, completeness and accuracy of information provided by third parties is the responsibility of the third parties. buydo.com has no obligation to verify the external information transmitted or stored or to detect illegal activities.
    5. Buydo.com shall not be liable for the due performance of the obligations between the Buyer and the Seller whose goods or services the Buyer has ordered through buydo.com.
  13. Marketing Activities of buydo.com
    1. The Seller may, at its sole discretion, launch various promotions or games on buydo.com.
    2. The Seller reserves the right to unilaterally change the terms and conditions of promotions or games or to cancel them without prior notice.
  14. Final Provisions
    1. These Terms have been drawn up in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Latvia.
    2. The law of the Republic of Latvia shall apply to any relationship arising under these Terms and Conditions.
    3. Any disagreement arising in connection with the enforcement of these Terms and Conditions shall be settled by negotiation. If no agreement is reached within 20 (twenty) calendar days, the dispute shall be settled in accordance with the procedure established by the laws of the Republic of Latvia.
    4. If the Buyer does not agree with the Seller's response to the Buyer's written claim, the Buyer (natural person, consumer) may submit his/her request/complaint regarding the Goods purchased at buydo.com to the Consumer Rights Protection Centre (Brīvības iela 55, Riga, LV 1010, e-mail: pasts@ptac.gov.lv, phone: +371 65452554, fax: +371 67388634, website www.ptac.gov.lv) or fill in the request form on the SIP platform https://ec.europa.eu/odr/.
    5. Buydo.com has the right to unilaterally revise or modify the Terms, add, change, restrict, expand the functionality of the buydo.com app at any time.

Date of revision: 21.06.2024.
Date of publication: 21.06.2024.

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Vienības gatve 109, Rīga, Latvija, LV-1058